Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Awww...get headache now again...:x plus giddy,feel like gotta sick,but tomorrow i going to convention...

Oh ya convention,mnc..haiz,i've no mood to go for it,the spirit totally can't be lifting up,listless while think of it.What will be your main motive to go for it?Is that everyone of us go for it just for the teaching?meet with God?Listen for God?or pure fellowship with bro and sis?emm,everyone should got their own answer.

For me,i wish to experience with God,i wish God can bring the big impact to me while during the mnc,i wish i can find back my first love with Him,i wish i could be refreshing by Him,i wish....That is too many,somehow the desire is weak within me,i've no keen to pursue it.Moreover,i can't admit that people will be the main and important element for me to enjoy in the mnc,it did bring the difference atmosphere and feel for it.Closer friends will make me indulging myself throughout the whole session,inverse,without all those closer people around, it sure will bore much and dull!and it will cramp me as well!;x Dear Lord,please let's this mnc will be differ with what i thought:x

p/s:something bonded my heart now,urgggg.......!!! anyway,i should tidy up my mood quickly,gotta celebrate birthday with daddy..0_0

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