Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My sweet and lovely deAr

i am keep thinking about you today..

i am thinking about the words you have to me yesterday night..all the old past memories floating out my mind while thinking about it,that feeling is sweet and warm..

"don't let me run off",you said this to me yesterday,your voice is clear vividly in my ear until now,it make me take it very serious in contemplating it...all the sweet scenery we've been go through keep revealing a slide by slide in front of my eye all of the sudden,non-stop sliding it..in here,i can saw your naughty and funny look just to make fun of me,bought flower to me just to make me smile,driving me out just don't want me to be bored at home,bringing me to have nice food just to bright up my day,and so on...that is too many!All of this only can caused me to say one thing,and this is:"dear,how could i bear to let you run off from me?"

I love you dear!

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