Monday, October 19, 2009

Sweet and wonderful day

Met an accident today!!

This morning car get bang down while i am going to school.I paid RM 100 to that uncle as it was my fault i think..But what i most concerning is my bro's car as it spoiled quite terribly=x

Mood get influced by it throughout the whole morning,worry will get scolded and the repairment fee..Although i keep telling myself i need to give thanks in all circumstances yet the bad feeling still 'sticking' with me and make my mind run whirl.

But after my mum and bro get to know about it,praise God to let me see through this event about how deeper love they have to me!Especially my bro,he never blamed me for crashed badly his car instead concern my condition whether i am fine or not.I am really touched by it...=..

Thanks to L who cares me much also to come down here along the way after get knew i got an car accident.Your action make me feel so warm and sweet,sure i am very touched by you also..I know how much your heart toward me,thanks so much..^^

God is so wonderful!Through an event to reveal people's caring and love toward me,let me know that i am so precious and important!I should love myself much and cherish the people around me,you all always are so precious to me also!

p/s: so silly girl shed tears secretly a few times after car get bang down:xlol 

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