Monday, October 12, 2009

FUN pls!

recently i really bored with my live...

Today went school in the morning n frustrated with a load of works that i got to finish,hate with those people who think that all of us are SUPERteacher,capable in doing is really tiring!!

kinda of to give up in teaching life instead of factory work,wish to out to have a breath and experiencing fruitfully of my life,wish to walk to outside world to have my fullest live,maximum using what i have in me.sometimes i keep thinking of myself,it is such a wasting for my current days without doing any greatly things while i still young n capable,but i just live it without any purposes or goals..

Besides of all these,i want to enjoy my live joyfully and happily!!that's y how much i wish i can have more and more trip!i want travel to every places that i never been before,i want eat around the stuff that i never try before!but could i??am i got this chance huh? All my mind now is i want to have FUN FUN FUN FUN!!! :p

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