Friday, October 16, 2009

the night when you've back..

Tonight is Deepavali night,mum has come bk as well..Felt happy and welcomed much the coming back of my mum,but once she stepped in the house,her nagging would never stop...

She began to nag about my job,then his job and bla bla bla... ...i totally can't tolerant with all these!

everytime when she nagging about me,a lot of worries,unpeace,furstrations will raise up in me,it makes me down much afterward,became low self-esteem and hate much myself,of course it is including every decisions that i had made.Frankly say,i don't like when i become like this,that's y indirectly i don't love my mum nagging to me.

I dare to say every human got their own goal and purpose in their life,for mum and bro,maybe their goal is to aim many money then to get the best lives they ought to have.But for me,i only hope i could be happy and enjoy my live as long as everything is just enough for me.Of course,who don't love money??i do also,but what's point to keep pursuing it like a 'money slave'?

Addition for it,why some people always keeping their target for so high,later on only wear out themselve just for achieving it?Where is your joy in life then?Oh..don't try to tell me the joy of your life is when you can get or enjoying with the best material things which is bought by your hardly earning money!

As i say,every people got their own purpose in life,so don't try to influence others with your own opinion,k?Let people choose for what they want!

Be satisfy with everything and find your purpose of life in God rather than in material things in the world...

God, i want my life be fruitful in your kingdom yet not in this world...amen!

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