Friday, October 16, 2009

Gifted Hand

Yesterday night went to the prayer meeting and we watched a movie which named 'Gifted Hand'.This movie is based on the true story,and it did convey a important and helpful message to me.Thanks god for spoke out to me!

These few days i felt like keep looking down myself,low self-esteem always.I looked myself imperfect in every areas from inward to outward,everything are so worst in me,hate myself much!gosh...

Hence god let me to have chance to catch up with this movie...Curson who is a boy who get the lowest mark everytime in his exam in class and everyone love to tease him.It caused him always think that he is a dumb boy.Nevertheless,his mother is a great monther who always encourage him and give him confidence.Sooner and sooner,under his mother encouragement and helping,his became the top student in his school,and after that he graduated from Yale University as well.Finally he became a very famous nuerosurgeon. 

Of course in the proccess of his life,he went through many low self-esteem period,but one thing is he always depend on God and pray to God everyday,his mother play a very important role in this also in encouragement.Through here i get know a point is no matter how worst we think we are,once we stand in and hold tightly the promises of God,definitely we can achieved the thing that look like impossible for us to accomplish!God will let you be the one who are special enough!!

I like the word which the mother told to Dr Carson always,"we gotta see beyond what we can't see".

Everyone of us is so precious and capable in God's eyes,hence show your confident as WE CAN DO IT!!! Amen!

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