Thursday, April 29, 2010

worry and worry:(

My leaving day getting nearest...

OMGoodness!I begin to worry much for my future working day since i haven't start my job there.All my mind keep worried how will it going for my work performance,colleagues,working environment,my learning ability,company target...and my life there at Klang like my social life,spiritual life..will i be bore much and full of emptiness after i go there?how about if i got a lot of pressure in work?could i overcome it?bla bla bla bla... .... there is a lot a lot of stuff keep worrying me recently!

Furthermore,i haven't counld't finding my staying place and my main transport,transport make me worry much...God,please provide for me Lord!

I seem have give a lot of pressure to myself before i going there,should take it easy man!

Lord,i cry for your help!!NOT extra worries!!

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