Wednesday, April 7, 2010


A lot of things wish to voice up,it hidden inside me n frustrated me,but i hard to bring it out..

Why recently i am circumvented with tonnes of harassed things?I am thinking is that all of it was craeted by me?Or as you said i can't walk out frm my current state?Or i still haven't get adapting with it?

Once i think further of it,i realised i will not pointing the finger to myself anymore instead of a loads of complaints to others will yielding increasingly.It is not good i know,but it did smoother my heart and cast away my sadness and frustrating.Maybe in my heart i have guilty,so when i transfered the problem root to others will 'purified' me in my wrongdoing,it makes me feel ease rather than blaming my own.Pathetic for those who are the others=X

Haiz...Let nature take its course!What will be my next step?Beat me,i am exhausted in meditating all this things...Draw a deeeeeeeep breath,let's all the problems exhale in the air...

No matter how,life still goes on...Let's keep it up!

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