Friday, April 30, 2010


Dear,just found out the flower you present to me on my birthday get decay,really heart pain to throw some of it as it has worm inside...=(

Luckily i have take the picture my birthday pic,thx dear for everything u have prepared for me=)

Thursday, April 29, 2010

worry and worry:(

My leaving day getting nearest...

OMGoodness!I begin to worry much for my future working day since i haven't start my job there.All my mind keep worried how will it going for my work performance,colleagues,working environment,my learning ability,company target...and my life there at Klang like my social life,spiritual life..will i be bore much and full of emptiness after i go there?how about if i got a lot of pressure in work?could i overcome it?bla bla bla bla... .... there is a lot a lot of stuff keep worrying me recently!

Furthermore,i haven't counld't finding my staying place and my main transport,transport make me worry much...God,please provide for me Lord!

I seem have give a lot of pressure to myself before i going there,should take it easy man!

Lord,i cry for your help!!NOT extra worries!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010


June i got to go away far from my sweet home to a unfamiliar place..If u ask me what feeling i have,well,i can tell you now the time haven't come yet,so i din't have much feeling for this moment.But i believe once the leaving time come nearest,a lot of unbearing,sadness,worries will overwhelming my heart!

Luckily i have my bro my church's friends whose always ready to help me in there,it lesser my worries..

But at here,i miss everything,every person here,sure will very hard for me to leave,because in last week when i took bus to kl for hunting job,i cried sadly once i sitted on the bus uncontrolling,kept crying because unbearing.So i really couldn't imagine how i will react the time i truly wanna to leave here for long....

My Dear,my mum and dad,i will miss u all much for SURE!!

Wednesday, April 7, 2010


A lot of things wish to voice up,it hidden inside me n frustrated me,but i hard to bring it out..

Why recently i am circumvented with tonnes of harassed things?I am thinking is that all of it was craeted by me?Or as you said i can't walk out frm my current state?Or i still haven't get adapting with it?

Once i think further of it,i realised i will not pointing the finger to myself anymore instead of a loads of complaints to others will yielding increasingly.It is not good i know,but it did smoother my heart and cast away my sadness and frustrating.Maybe in my heart i have guilty,so when i transfered the problem root to others will 'purified' me in my wrongdoing,it makes me feel ease rather than blaming my own.Pathetic for those who are the others=X

Haiz...Let nature take its course!What will be my next step?Beat me,i am exhausted in meditating all this things...Draw a deeeeeeeep breath,let's all the problems exhale in the air...

No matter how,life still goes on...Let's keep it up!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Facial treatment

Girl needs to treat youself better!So i went to have my facial treatment today,but ouch!so pain....

When i step in,she wants me to lying down on a somfortable bed.She helps me to do difference kind of facial spa afterward,feel nice.Buta while later she begin help to clean my blackhead on my face,wow!All i can say is,it is PAIN!!Face has came out a lot of red dots too after she finished..=( hope tomorrow all the red dots will be diminish..

Anyway,nice experience today,next month i will go again,but first of all,i need to save money for it,as it was not cheaper...=x

Sunday, April 4, 2010








Kinder joy

Kinder joy with SURPRISE!!^^

Mum bought it to me tonight for this!haa...i still like a kid,heee~

I wish to have this since before,love its chocolate and the surprise inside!Not just of this,i love the egg shape of it,a fat rounded shape,so cute..=) will be my EASTER day's egg too!

Thanks mummy~~^-^

     my easter's egg                                             

     full of the creamy milk chocolate,nice~

     plus with a surprise too--toy!      cute robot^^

    nice nice nice~heee      3 in 1--chocolate,toy and LOVE!!


Saturday, April 3, 2010

Playing kite

         see~we put our kite for so high!=)

Coming late with this post..

Once i woke up in the early morning,i felt like to play kite suddenly,maybe i locked in the house for long time,wish to get out from it to get freedom like the kite flying on the higher blue sky=)i desperately  dream about it...without thinking much i took my handphone and sms to u..

We went there in evening,mum followed us..Well,thanks you for tried very hard to fix the kite.Due to your efforts,at last we managed to fly up the kite higher on the sky,weeweee~~~lol It is fun!=)But,a while later we stopped by a guard as there are unallowed to play kite...=.=

Anyway,i still enjoy our time there althought it was just for a while...thanks~~^^

Friday, April 2, 2010

Just and fair?

Recently i feel like to ask this question:why this world is so unfair??

Since long ago i have heard many human kept asking about this question,but i always stand in difference views with them,and i know god is just and fair,nothing is unfair.

Somehow when i continue to get touch with this social world and facing more reality,i am unmotively wanna to shout this question out too!

Why they have some people they born in a rich family,life getting even better after growing up and blissful always,never lack of anything istead more than that.Nevertheless to say,their attitude seriously worse.In vice versa,they have some people they born in poor family,life getting worst and seem every bad things keep happening for them,they lack of everything even be the beggar,their attitude is better than those riches people of course as they are humanize.Why god you never bless those poorer people who are do good in your eyes  instead of those highly prideful riches people??I want to know god's reason!why??!!

God is just and fair,what is the implication about it? I really wish to know...anyone can tell me?because i am inbalance...