Friday, January 1, 2010


1st Jan 2010,what a good day,a brand new day in a fresh new year..but i found no happiness instead of emptiness..

Lives...I get bored to live at this kind of days,working,eating, more then.First year working days it was a normal lives for me,second year i get started nuisance with this lives.A super normal days without any special or changing,grrhhhhh!I got to go cRAzYYY!!@_@

Where is my entertainment and social life huh?I keep asking myself..goshhh!!That is N.O.N.E!!Seem like i am a old girl,oh my goodness..I am not old enough!I want my life enjoyment!Don't get me the BORED life anymore!I don't want the unchanging stuff,pls!!

I am going berserk!!Where are you?my "FUN"?

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