Friday, January 29, 2010






妈妈,你的哭泣声让我好心痛,好难过... ...但愿您灿烂的笑脸是我明日一早所能见到的


Sunday, January 17, 2010

New lives

Feel like to write something yet i don't know what i should write for..

Well,then let me start write from my current lives..

I am anguishing about my spiritual life,God is touching me to serve Him as before,i eagerly and desire,but i am seeking a good and suitable place to serve Him,where shall i find this place Lord?A good soil for me to grow maturily..Don't vanishing the touched from Holy Spirit,this is what You said.I am regretted to give up a best soil to serve you before,now i want to find it back..

Except from it,i need to pick up some new knowledge also.Maybe i need to buy some books back to gain and learn new things rather than sit for nothing.People need to read,for improving..=)I lack of this,so i became dummy now,lol.(noooo...i want to charge a bit from now onward)

Lastly should be my physical body,planning to exercise more,at least one day per week.Body get weaker,very unhealthy..Furthermore this body is God's temple,i must taking care it well,train it to be healthy,i will be happier too=)So i am planning to go for jogging le,heeee=P

God,may this kind of lives will please you,new year new lifestyle and breakthrough,time to move forward for YOU!=) 

Saturday, January 2, 2010





过后,心里一直也好遗憾及后悔没把 今日在超市里摆卖的九把刀书买回来..好纳闷,突然间好想看哦..=(


Friday, January 1, 2010


1st Jan 2010,what a good day,a brand new day in a fresh new year..but i found no happiness instead of emptiness..

Lives...I get bored to live at this kind of days,working,eating, more then.First year working days it was a normal lives for me,second year i get started nuisance with this lives.A super normal days without any special or changing,grrhhhhh!I got to go cRAzYYY!!@_@

Where is my entertainment and social life huh?I keep asking myself..goshhh!!That is N.O.N.E!!Seem like i am a old girl,oh my goodness..I am not old enough!I want my life enjoyment!Don't get me the BORED life anymore!I don't want the unchanging stuff,pls!!

I am going berserk!!Where are you?my "FUN"?