Wednesday, November 25, 2009


Awww...get headache now again...:x plus giddy,feel like gotta sick,but tomorrow i going to convention...

Oh ya convention,mnc..haiz,i've no mood to go for it,the spirit totally can't be lifting up,listless while think of it.What will be your main motive to go for it?Is that everyone of us go for it just for the teaching?meet with God?Listen for God?or pure fellowship with bro and sis?emm,everyone should got their own answer.

For me,i wish to experience with God,i wish God can bring the big impact to me while during the mnc,i wish i can find back my first love with Him,i wish i could be refreshing by Him,i wish....That is too many,somehow the desire is weak within me,i've no keen to pursue it.Moreover,i can't admit that people will be the main and important element for me to enjoy in the mnc,it did bring the difference atmosphere and feel for it.Closer friends will make me indulging myself throughout the whole session,inverse,without all those closer people around, it sure will bore much and dull!and it will cramp me as well!;x Dear Lord,please let's this mnc will be differ with what i thought:x

p/s:something bonded my heart now,urgggg.......!!! anyway,i should tidy up my mood quickly,gotta celebrate birthday with daddy..0_0

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

My sweet and lovely deAr

i am keep thinking about you today..

i am thinking about the words you have to me yesterday night..all the old past memories floating out my mind while thinking about it,that feeling is sweet and warm..

"don't let me run off",you said this to me yesterday,your voice is clear vividly in my ear until now,it make me take it very serious in contemplating it...all the sweet scenery we've been go through keep revealing a slide by slide in front of my eye all of the sudden,non-stop sliding here,i can saw your naughty and funny look just to make fun of me,bought flower to me just to make me smile,driving me out just don't want me to be bored at home,bringing me to have nice food just to bright up my day,and so on...that is too many!All of this only can caused me to say one thing,and this is:"dear,how could i bear to let you run off from me?"

I love you dear!

Sunday, November 15, 2009


Suddenly feel down after sending mum off to kl,but it is weird because my mood is not impacted by this reason,all i can say is this feeling is too familiar for me...

It will be good if i in Penang at this moment,i miss you my friend who always be there for me when i get down or moody.When i be there i always will get very down and moody as i was alone there and the emptiness kept striken me,maybe you don't know you always will be the one i think of based of your willingness,thanks much!No matter what time it was,once i sms you and definitely you will drive here within few mins,even when you are at outside definitely you will try to make it possible also.I truly appreciate it!!!

I miss the time we went to the seaside to have a sea breezed, neither serious nor funny stuff,we will keep going to chat,while sometimes we can saw the plane passed by our head too..i pretty miss that seaside much and the malay 'a-gua' stall there!:P Nice place,nice environment and nice breezing always blew off my unhappy and emptiness...

Friend,surely i will find you again if i am there at this moment....miss miss miss

Thursday, November 5, 2009

opps! Bahasa Melayu saya tak bagus!

As what i have told yesterday,i went for interview this very early  morning,reached there by six thirty.Then we get start only at nine morning,wait for so long indeed...

Let me talk about the interview detail part then.First of all,we have a 8 people group disccussion,the title is 'amalan membaca'.well,this is a nice topic to talk to,but i never thought that my BM(Bahasa Melayu)  is super lousy!i  can't even speak fluently and pronounce properly,damn it! For the second part,it was a individual interview session,i get an easy topic also,it was regarding 'pedatang asing',urghh...but i can't totally express well my point in BM due to my BM is so poor,how come huh?!Will you believe the one who get A in STPM BM subject cant't even talk in BM smoothly? BM language ability making me pondering and doubting.

In vice versa i did quite smoothly in english speaking part although at first i am get stuck as i don't know what else point i can share about.

BM BM BM BM....saya perlu meningkatkan keupayaan komunikasi saya dalam BM sedaya usaha dari sekarang.Memandangkan BM adalah Bahasa kebangsaan negara kita,oleh itu saya tetap perlu sentiasa menggunakannya dan mencintainya sesungguh-sungguhnya,ia adalah amat berguna di negara Malaysia!(Jangan mengabaikan kegunaan bahasa ini selepas tamat pengajian terutamanya rakyat-rakyat Malaysia,ia boleh menyenangkang kerja anda semasa dalam pengurusan projek-projek kerajaan dan menjayakan anda) Dengan itu,marilah kita sama-sama belajar balik bahasa kebangsaan kita! :P

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

lalalaaa....^ ^

Tomorrow i will go for interview for KPLI-KDC,wish myself good luck and do enjoy in all the session:) But please don't ask about the deep questions to me rather than let me able to enjoy in the whole interview session..kekeke= )

Anyway,i still worrying what should i wear for... big head!oh ya,i need to cut my nail as well! :P

Waiting for my good news tomorrow,heee...^ ^(eventhough it is no a good new,i still will take it easy=X)

(p/s: gosh...i need to wake up very very early in the morning tomorrow,awwww.... :X)

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Two 'someone'

 miss you both~~~~

 miss sophia and mr.Lemuel

That day went to KL was my saddest moment in my life..what the happier period is meet with sophia and Lemuel,i love them much!!!and miss them much too!!!awwww....

This is the first time for can't feel the love when together with my families,and it did hurt me deeper in my heart,i am pointed to someone..I get started dislike to be with you,every harsh words and attitude of you toward me was totally hurting me!i don't want to bounce back for what you're saying,because i know it is no meaning to tick off with you due to the pride in you,you will never contemplating other's people words..

Yet,in here i shall thanks to you to act this way to me,it motivated me to move forward to get the best success in my life!i want to prove to you that i am not the one as you think of,and i am NOT the vent to your anger!Please don't show contempt for me!

Family,what is that mean for?I wonder where is you all supporting?Where is you all love?It make me wonder.....

It is really my first time for can't find the love from you all instead of hurting...How much i wish now i could fly to abroad to start my own and new life without any bondage and pressure,start afresh there and get on my new self...i want to go abroad..

***And to 'someone' please,i will find the one who are truly appreaciate me since you think that i am can't meet with your standard.Thanks..