Saturday, May 22, 2010

Keep it up,gal...

Last week for me here...

Going to jump into the 'fire' to mould myself...People found weird how could i voluntary to jump into it since i know it is 'fire'?weird hor....but life should goes more for moulding,then only will growing healthily and maturity,am i right?

But,before it,i need to equip myself and get prepare well myself to take up the real challenge!(Although get heart prepared but still worry much,awww....) =(

The friends around me kept telling me this job very stress and challenging,it ruins the confident in me indeed..haizzz..But i still need to try it,as God let me know,HOPE keeps it going....

Jia you Jia you!Go and try the hardest job to experience it,then only i can know the level i am,the real world,the real people relationship...and to see how much the perseverance i have,lol.(hope can work over 3 months=p)

gambatteh neh!!

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