Monday, May 24, 2010









我是舍不得你的.... ....

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Keep it up,gal...

Last week for me here...

Going to jump into the 'fire' to mould myself...People found weird how could i voluntary to jump into it since i know it is 'fire'?weird hor....but life should goes more for moulding,then only will growing healthily and maturity,am i right?

But,before it,i need to equip myself and get prepare well myself to take up the real challenge!(Although get heart prepared but still worry much,awww....) =(

The friends around me kept telling me this job very stress and challenging,it ruins the confident in me indeed..haizzz..But i still need to try it,as God let me know,HOPE keeps it going....

Jia you Jia you!Go and try the hardest job to experience it,then only i can know the level i am,the real world,the real people relationship...and to see how much the perseverance i have,lol.(hope can work over 3 months=p)

gambatteh neh!!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

MONDAY (Part 2)

the twin boy in my class,Jing Han and Jing Xuan.
with my lovely and smart class 2M students,miss u all...
presents from all my lovely pupils in teacher's day=D
nice work!
my CUTEST bro,lol
with my mum in japanese restaurant to celebrate her birthday=)like it much!hope u r happy mum...=)
happy birthday mama!!=D
dad and mum,sweetest couple=p
ohhhhh!!!my NEW car coming,JME 3217! V.I.V.A
the first moment i get the new car at perodua=p

Conclusion-------A happy Monday!=D

Saturday, May 15, 2010


Coming monday...

is teacher's day in school,
is mum's birthday,
is the day i become car owner,
is first time i get celebrate with school's friends in sing-k(if i got join),

It seems like a memorial day for this year,it is important as well.

Hence,i force to postpone my schedule again...

Hope i shall enjoy and enjoy in this coming monday,hurray!!=D

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

~my collections~

Dear~like your phone's camera muchhh,it is CLEAR!!=D

Saturday, May 8, 2010

For now...

These few weeks keep busying with tonnes of stuff,what am i busy with actually huh?

Busy must coming with worries then stress...I think this is what i have spend through in this few weeks.

Thought can be settle my medical check up today,who knows end up with nothing plus with more troublesome...

Problems are queuing for me to settle one by one,i hope can be settle faster all,how come all this thing keep delaying me.Thus,haven't finish settle one then following another new stuff.Awwww!!!Flare up really!!

But,i gain to learn new thing too in my life that i never go through,i dare say...

p/s: anyway i am truly appreciated for ur time today for willing to give me your
precious time to fetching me there..load of thanks!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Feel like to cry..Am i have a lot of pressure recently?But how come i didn't have any feel of stress,am i numb of it already huh??

Mum went to hospital this morning in Malacca,never know she is so serious until totally can't walk by her own.Listen to her voice just know,it was a voice which full of tired and grieved,heartache when heard it...You will get well mum,don't worry..

Sit alone at downstair while watching tv,so emptiness,lonely and helpless feeling.A lot of worries stricken me in sudden,all i can do is i need to depend on myself and settle it by my own.Tear came out in same time,wipe it off and everything will be alright!I told myself this...

Can't resist on the loneliness,hence i come up to my room,at least it will be better for the bigger living room in downstair...

When it stripped away,everything will be fine...

Monday, May 3, 2010


