Saturday, February 27, 2010

CNY 2010

CNY is going to finish soon..During this week i have travelled around many places,Segamat-Batu pahat-Muar-Malacca..Most of the relatives i had visited also,what a fruitful new year.The most unforgetable reunion is with my cousins them since we are really have a long period din't meet up,they all have changed a lot,opps i mean the character,be more cheerful.It was a joyous moment with them although i din't chatting much,somehow their cheerful spirit was spreading around us=)

Wanna thanks to L who kept accompany me during these few days CNY holidays,have a great moment with you and your family too^^Your family is cute neh,especially your father,lol

By the way,tomorrow is Cha goh meh le,again,i miss penang once more as every cha goh meh i will out to celebrate and have pretty fun with friends,however in here,there have no activities and place to celebrate for...My pity Johor!!You have make my life became so DuLL!

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