Tuesday, December 28, 2010

back time

I am coming back!

But, now i got to go back again...Thought i can stay at hometown after i resigned,somehow life is unpredestined, it is not under my control.

Previous job make me lead a very stress and unhappy working life, i am eagerly wanna run off that kind of life on that moment. Now i did it, i back to the life i wish to have when i still working,but i start to get bored with it. Thus, while i standing outside and watching up the sky,i start to refresh back my busy and pressure working life,suddenly i feel so relax and know how to cherish my current days, i take it as a holiday for me, not every time i will have this kind of privilege one,haa..

Well,maybe soon i will back to kl to help out bro for his works,again, i got back to the working days, it is good but i realised i am hard to leave here...I hope can settle down also instead of keep moving around.

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