Sunday, August 1, 2010


I think i already reached the bottom of my limit to 'tahan'...So miserable for me now,one thing can make me happy in my life is quit from my current job!It is really been stressed for me in this work field,no matter how strong and eagerness for me to learn the new thing here but it all can't overcoming my limitation to hanging on anymore,i have make up my mind,i want to resign...i want to free myself,learning is good but seem i can't live my life with happiness then what the point for me to insist on?In addition,the more i stay here the more i feel i myself so unvaluable and more low self esteem,all the confident have this all i want from the purpose at first i came here?NO!
So contradict,before when be teacher i went to go crazy for unfruitful life there,but now that kind of life make me miss much and envy much!no stress and can go have fun anytime!no need to worry my expenses as well...
Wonder whether my family will support my decision?But i really want to resign...
Life is so shorter,how come i wanna torturing and forcing myself live under such life which i don't like it!Why?Thought learning is good but why under this kind of environment?yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???

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