Friday, June 25, 2010

end of the 3rd week in kl

First day staying in my cousin's weird feeling here

The time i finish exam in office,i should be happy one as stress has been released.Yet,i am not as excited as i think. Tear kept dropping down in the moment i sat in the car because i felt 'homeless' indeed. How much i wish can back to bro's house but once i know it is inconvenience for them,then i have no choice.I sobbing while driving as i really don't know where i should heading to...Hence i delayed the time to back cousin's house and just find somewhere else i can go to although i pretty tired..Eventually i manage to arrive cousin's house by nine something.

Working outside alone here is pressuring, it totally out of my estimation. A lot of uneasy feeling you will experience here,it sure very hurt but you can't be beaten down as well,so hanging on and persistence is the only choice you can make. Frankly say i couldn't remember how many days in here i use to cry before i fall asleep. Sadness keep grabbing my heart,while i think of my situation and what had i face on,again,my tear will never ended.But in my mind i only know for one word is 'hanging on'..I told myself so.

People is the crucial key for me whether feel comfortable and vice verse. Although i have closer blood brother here yet i am unwelcome and unconcerned by them. Everyone are busy with their own 'business',you are you then i am i,pretty sad with this..

Anyhow,God is my good friend,i told him everything when i weeping in my blanket every night,he is my good listener.Thanks for my dear and mum,at least i still can sense the caring which i pretty needed much at this moment,it give me loads of comfort..Due to it,i will be strong no matter how difficult i will facing onwards.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

training day=(

Today went through whole full day training,more in talking skill and sale technic.We learn about the way in promoting the housing loan and saving plan inssurance,and we do more in role play.

Sad to be say i din't did well in my role play,nearly want to give up much i wish i can get back to my hometown now.

It is not easy to survive in banking life,as they say once u want to be here,you need to be more aggressive!Yet,i don't think i can be like this,that's why i found myself in suffering now.

Some more there have not enough space for me to be independent,how could i be learn more and fast?don't even say to have cross sale!

I done everything poor here,i have not confidence at all,want to give up!

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Sat night..

Seem long haven't get to write something here due to my busy time....awww..

Having my new job for one week already,it is the tough job for me as i never involved in any banking or financial field.Everything i need start learn from the very first level.Sometimes i will ask my senior about some so call stupid question until they find it very funny or showing their inpatient,yet i still get my thicker face to keep asking and asking...Well,all i can say is it really very tough for me.

I and another colleague join in the same time,but i am the one who left behind,i keep chasing and chasing,meditating all the term and details by searching net in night time,some more i still left behind.In additions,the opportunities is the other channel for me to learn fast somehow i am the unluckier.When the head coming and asking what we learn in the end of the day,stress coming as well as the others really learn a lot under the comparing with me.What should i react at that moment is to be steady although i pretty worry.

According to the knowledges,learning effectiveness,chances,i am the one who left behind...stress stress!

Although everything seem not going smoothly for me,look in the other views i quite satisfied with my fruitful days,tough but i did learn something.When get the different treating from other towards me,it did very hurt but i still hanging on as i know i will get success one day.I hate people looking down on me actually...Just want to let those people know,don't ever looked down on me!i will learn from the basic..I have a BIG God with me too!

Everytime i get hurt and pressure,i will cry out as long as i want,then wipe it off,everything will turn fine then.Life should be like this,never beating down by the problems or hardwork,instead of overcome it by succeed it,then you will be more strong and higher up.

I wish to be a successful woman although i know my personality couldn't qualified for it,hence most of the time i feel like 'xin you yu er li bu zu'.What will be my future,i can't figure it out and see from now,but believe if i persisting and persevere onwards,surely the goal of mine will left no far.

Lastly,sorry dear for i am far with u now and keep focusing in my hard work now.Don't know what i should say also..sorry when the time u talk with me actually i am tired beat so i show no mood to continue on,sorry for i used to have comparison with others as well..

pls: Knowing my fren in cameran highland having the starbuck 'greentea coffee",i am SUPER envy!!!have a little bit complaint flashing in my mind for why i still doing the torturing work here..

Make a cup of blended milo drink,it tastes nice=)

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

in cousin's wedding

soooooooo uGLy!

big MOUTH monster is here!!!lol

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Here is my working place---KL

see her BIG MOUTH!!!lol

Today have took a walk with Sophia at downstair the swimming pool there,caught a few pic with her as well,what a naughty Sophia keeps act some ''ugly'' face,see~~~~=p

Another two pic was taking when i first time taking LRT by my own to a unfamiliar place--my working Menara EON bank.(BTW,next monday mae me worry much as i need travel to a few places in KL,but the most challenging thing is i don''t know the road here,maybe force to take taxi le...)=( awww,taxi..dangerous!God be with me pls~~