Sunday, July 8, 2012

going to start again my blogging from now day onwards..=) stay tune~

Tuesday, April 12, 2011




Monday, March 14, 2011







Saturday, March 12, 2011

BACK~ loves ^_^

Long din come back, is time for me to back!!got a tones of photos want to update here!=D

I am happy with my life indeed^^(always satisfied with what we have,then u will be happy all the times!)twink***>p<

with bro n 2nd in law having lunch in KSL shopping mall
going KSL shopping~~

on the way to church,hair so messy=P
i look damn scared when i carry this chincilla

with sis in law in KL, sunway to be with this 2 kids always^^

having lunch again in taiwan restaurant which located inside the sunway pyramid
thanks my dear for the iphone 4,althu now it is not beside with me...

CNY steamboat time!
R we look match with the spec??=D

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

back time

I am coming back!

But, now i got to go back again...Thought i can stay at hometown after i resigned,somehow life is unpredestined, it is not under my control.

Previous job make me lead a very stress and unhappy working life, i am eagerly wanna run off that kind of life on that moment. Now i did it, i back to the life i wish to have when i still working,but i start to get bored with it. Thus, while i standing outside and watching up the sky,i start to refresh back my busy and pressure working life,suddenly i feel so relax and know how to cherish my current days, i take it as a holiday for me, not every time i will have this kind of privilege one,haa..

Well,maybe soon i will back to kl to help out bro for his works,again, i got back to the working days, it is good but i realised i am hard to leave here...I hope can settle down also instead of keep moving around.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

There is too much to voice up here since i have long time din update and get chance to 'speak out'.Well,where should i start...

Today have a great time with my senior for lunch,she shared a lot her past experience to me,maybe she heard also i gotta to leave.By the way,today only i know what i have been go through actually just a very small case for her as she really been through a hardship period,how colleague and boss treated her,but she strive hard to prove she has the ability to perform perfectly,now she did and boss treat her in another round,so realistic in working society!

It stood me for a while and interupted my decision,thus i still insisting on as i know this is not the job i want,it deprived my joy and my spirit in me..Now,maybe i should trying to apply the GSTT here rather than waiting back hometown and can't get the job there..I really urgent to have money due to my saving plan payable amount still lack for more,somehow next month i need to pay off already...awww,first time feel i am so poor in financial=(

In addition,today just realised i lost my VERYIMPORTANT document--Indentity Card!!and it lost since last friday i think,but hw come i din noticed earlier,damn!

Anyway,tomorrow still got a lot thing to do in office,everyday must have something to do and pending,hate it!Ahhhhhhhhhhh.........

I start to feel like i just like a robot or 'plastic woman',no much feeling in my life,just stress and work other...that is terrible...pity a lot of people have became like this already...speechless

Tuesday, August 3, 2010